Practice Sessions and Indoor Nets
Regular outdoor practice sessions will be starting again after the clocks change. They will be on Wednesday evenings on the plastic wicket in Duthie Park, starting at 6pm. Vice skipper Dave Cox is going to be running the sessions and is planning to make them rather more structured than they have been in the past. We don't have much light at this time of year, so please be prompt so we can get a good session in before it gets too dark.
Venue : Duthie Park
Time : 6.00pm prompt
Day : Every Wednesday, starting on 2nd April
We are also investigating the possibility of having indoor nets at either Sheddocksley or Butchart Hall. These would cost between £42 and £45 / hour, so there would be a cost involved depending on how many attend, but since they are indoor they'd give us more flexibility with times and would not be weather dependent. We need to know how many would be likely to attend and when would be the best time before we plan anything further, so there is a new poll where you can give us an indication of your prefered days. [Click here to vote]